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Girl in the window

Johnny_Lovesky: Почему я написал это на аглийском? Я не помню, давно это было, ещё осенью... По-моему, просто так... Короче, это очередное собственное наблюдение за жизнью. Интересно... А здесь вы тоже кучу ошибок найдёте?

Ответов - 9

Johnny_Lovesky: It was a spring of 2007 year. As always Johnny was at the institute, studying boring subjects. If my memory does not change me, in that day it was a physic. Teacher talk and talk and talk. If someone turns on slow light music, I guess every one fall to sleep. Especially Johnny, he didn’t know what to do and begin to look in the window. He always tries to find a place near the window, because it’s most interesting place in almost empty room. Cars, people, trees… Every time he looks in the window something happing there, at least it wasn’t so boring like listening boring lectures. In front of institute was a living building and every second someone shows in the window or balcony. Johnny looked on the window at fifth floor and he saw a girl, about eighteen, but he can’t see her face quit good, it was about 50 meters to her. From point what Johnny look at her, she was looking pretty. As I said, it was a spring and everyone in the end of season washes their window from dirt. And this girl wasn’t exception, she starting to do this. Pass about 20 minutes and Johnny notice that she is a lefthander. But not because she used to be like this from childhood, because her right hand was a little bit strange. Yes, as always Johnny get lucky to find something strange in his life. He try to look better what is wrong with her right hand, he got a perfect eyes, but at this time it was too difficult to see something not big, it was too far. A few minutes left, Johnny continues to look at her right hand. And finally he understands what is wrong with her hand. Hand was a smaller then used to be. It was look scary and strange in same time. In the begging Johnny thought that was a mirage, but then he closes his eyes, count to 3 and opens eyes. Girl still was there and her right hand was the same strange. Johnny was really sad about her. When the girl got something wrong with her body, they always complicating about this. From that time Johnny always tried to sit near the window to see this strange girl. And she appears almost every day. She stands at the balcony and look on cars, trees, and people… like Johnny. He looks at her and sometimes seems like she looked at him. He knows what she feeling. I guess its loneliness, Johnny well know this feeling. A few times Johnny saw her walking down the street. She hide her right hand in the pocket and only Johnny knows why she doing this. Oh, all this lonely people, where they are coming from… Don’t asking me. I’m no longer from this land of loneliness.

пис_aka: гЫЫЫ.. спасибо автору, этот англиЦкий даже я поняла

Johnny_Lovesky: пис_aka За мой английский меня всегда хвалили) Порой мне кажется, что английский я знаю лучше русского)))

Tanjusha: Johnny_Lovesky пишет: За мой английский меня всегда хвалили) Порой мне кажется, что английский я знаю лучше русского Заблуждение. Почему бы романтическому Johnny не подойти к бедняжке и не поцеловать обе ее руки? Как бы засияли ее глаза! А уж как бы воздалось Johnny от Вселенной за добрый поступок!

Johnny_Lovesky: Tanjusha Я романтический??? Меня ещё никто так не называл) Спасибо) И мне уже воздалось от Вселенной по полной, но об этом потом...

Tanjusha: О, не стоит! Johnny явно романтический герой, кто бы еще заметил что девушка ... м-м-м ... не совсем здорова? К тому же он явно вуайерист. У него появились сострадательные чувства к девушке, он видел ее на улице. Не логично было бы подойти? Или он так робок, что подойти к незнакомой девушке выше его романтических мечтаний? ИМХО.

Johnny_Lovesky: Чёрт... Меня вновь раскусили)

[ teddy bear ]: Хороший рассказ, хотя есть некоторые непонятности... Впервые порадовалась, что учусь в лингво - гуманитарном классе. ^ ^

Johnny_Lovesky: Ой, какое старое творение поднято со дна))) А что не понятно?

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